No Nexus 5X Nougat

No Nexus 5X Nougat

No Nexus 5X Nougat

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 03:54 PM PDT

I have a 5X, in the UK, my friends 5X has updated to Nougat so why hasn't mine? His was done last week.

submitted by /u/RocketRunRocket
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Is Dark Mode still in Android N?

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 03:42 PM PDT

What are the best phones 100-175 USD range?

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 03:37 PM PDT

I wouldn't normally ask, but I don't know too much about the lower end budget phone market, and I'm looking to buy a new phone for my dad. I see a lot of budget phones in the range of 200+, and I hear about the ones below 100, but not much in between. A decent camera would be cool, 1080p maybe, and something that you know, might look nice. He doesn't game or anything, just uses WhatsApp and calls.

Thanks for all suggestions!

submitted by /u/Greenevers
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Random apps installing by themselves

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 03:20 PM PDT

I have an s7 edge turned on Verizon support and protect app today and since then I've gotten 4-6 random apps installed on my phone that also don't show up on my playstore installed apps either. I don't have unknown sources on nor do I download almost anything at all so I was wondering what's going on.

submitted by /u/RetroRiot
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Transferring app purchases to a new Google account

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 03:13 PM PDT

Hey, so I have been slowly transferring to a new email address because I have had my old once since I was 12 and decided it was time to get a new email. I was wondering if there was a way to transfer the apps I have purchased on my old Google account onto my new one. I have apps I have purchased over the years and I would like to keep them.

I have been able to get close to everything transferred except for the android apps and I am really hoping there is a way to do it.


submitted by /u/RespectMeBoi
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Album artwork (for songs) not showing up on Samsung S4

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 03:08 PM PDT

I get my music from iTunes. Some of the songs without artwork showing are ones i put custom artwork onto. Others are all songs that came with the artwork. They have been visible before this. There is no image just the default music player empty image. I have Verizon. I use Airdroid to transfer my songs over, although i did most of them through a cable hooking phone to mac and dragging and dropping files. They are all on my sd card

submitted by /u/CrazsomeLizard
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The never ending android frustration continues.

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 03:05 PM PDT

The only way to get rid of this message is to go to my provider(virgin)listen then delete.

This is just a message from a missed call.I know who it is and just want to delete without listening to it.

I have spent way too much time trying to find a way of deleting/removing.

I cannot swipe it,long hold does nothing.

What the hell does one have to do to get rid of this.It seems as though android within it self is kind of useless.Everything that needs,or wants to be done needs apps.

Things like this should be built into the system by default.

Any help would be appreciated immensly!

submitted by /u/johnslims
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Previously purchased apps cost money again

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 02:32 PM PDT

I recently got my kindle fire back from amazon. I put the google play store on it previously and purchased a few games through it. I also have bought a few apps on my phone during this down time. The phone is an S7 Edge

I now have my tablet up and running again, and again installed the Play store. The issue is all apps I have to paid for previously, are listing a price again.

Anyone know how to get this resolved? Thanks for your time in advance.

submitted by /u/JayBo_Vizard
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Backup & reset - can not recover contacts

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 12:51 PM PDT

Lenovo K3 Note, android 6.0

From android settings I backed up the contacts to the SD card, later on with new sim the file does not restore 349 contacts, only like 5.

The file is in ZIP data/

Zip file contains: and

I should have used better way to back it up, but now I would be grateful for any help.

submitted by /u/ByDawe
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Select the Device for Audio Widget??

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 01:52 PM PDT

this has popped up randomly a few times and i LOVE IT, it would be so useful if this was some kind of widget that I could have on my home page permanently but for the life of me I can't figure out how or what it is, anyone know? if this showed all my bluetooth devices that would be even better, but this popped up after i connected to the sony, then disconnected and connected to the C6 ...

submitted by /u/bluhend
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Is there anyway to change the default calling app? I've tried many so-called dialers and calling apps, but when I go to make a phone call they always direct me to use the stock phone calling app.

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 11:59 AM PDT

3d globe with path tracing in android app.

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 11:43 AM PDT

I didn't know properly about subreddits, and so got this question removed two times. Hope,I get the answer here. I have two tasks: (1) Embed a 3d globe in the android app. (2) when I give two places in input, there should be path tracing (as along straight line if it was a 2d map) between the places. ### example-> | input Delhi, and then London. So first Delhi should be selected on map, then a trace starting from Delhi should go up to London with globe rotating accordingly. What will be the easiest and simplest way to do so?

submitted by /u/mananpal1997
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S6E glass replaced, now overheating and losing reception.

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 07:00 AM PDT

After I had the front/back glass replaced on my 6 Edge, they gave me the phone and it was restarting over and over. Wouldn't get signal.

They fixed it, worked for three days, and now the phone is overheating badly next to the lock button. Once it gets too hot the reception goes away and won't return til I power off and let it cool. When it comes back on it takes roughly twenty seconds to overheat and screw up again.

The back glass is also peeling off.

They gave me a warranty. However I'd rather not take the device to them to get it fixed. I'd like to self service if at all possible. The back glass is jutting out further than it did when it was stock. Doesn't look like they removed all the adhesive before remounting the new glass. Could the adhesive be causing a short? I wanna order replacement glass and a heater pad/suction cup and do it myself.

Any experience / advice would be awesome.

submitted by /u/ZEUS-MUSCLE
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I can't sign into a public Wi-Fi network and I don't know why.

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 01:46 PM PDT

I'm living at school using a public Wi-Fi and it worked fine for about a week. I signed in and everything. One day it stopped working and began prompting me to sign in but it won't load the sign in page. I get stuck on this screen every time. I've tried resetting to factory settings and clearing the cache but no luck. Please let me know if there is a solution.

submitted by /u/poison_ivan
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Google Keyboard Help

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 07:47 AM PDT

I can not get rid of the damn emoji button when I'm texting..... However, when I use literally ANY OTHER APP it's gone and the "return/enter" Button is there. I want the "return/enter" button there all the time. I don't need 2 emoji buttons. Anyone know how to change it? I've been through every setting 10 times. Maybe I just missed something.

submitted by /u/DCar777
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Video in Android - is this Flash?

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 01:39 PM PDT

I'm still amazed at the number of times I go to a website and can't play its video clips, presumably because they're an old site that's still using Flash.

But I'm also coming across new stuff such as this stream:

All I get is a glimpse of a still frame and then a "no video with supported format and MIME type found" message.

Is it just another Flash problem? And isn't Android considered an important-enough platform to get something this basic sorted out?

submitted by /u/StrobingFlare
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No nougat on Nexus?

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 11:18 AM PDT

So me and my friend both have a Google Nexus 5X but neither of us got nougat yet. Everything on this subreddit seems to say that nougat is already out so we started to wonder what was wrong. We live in Sweden if problem is location.

submitted by /u/korven3000
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Does rooting my S7 Edge will let me use my phone without having to enter a sim network key ?

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 01:28 PM PDT

Hey so basically i bought a phone from germany and it's closed for other countries than europe so it asks me a sim network key in order to open it for international use. The thing is i'm not in germany anymore and my country is not in europe so buying a key from the company that my phone is originally connected will be a pain in the ass so does root will fix it ? any ideas ? experiences ?

Ps: i'm realy new to rooting have no experience on it just read the basics and stuff.

Side note if you care to read more : i saw some articles that says i can plug in a sim card from europe and use it like 15-20 mins call some one bla bla and it'll open to international use, i did that, didn't work.

submitted by /u/musdale
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How to fix Google contact sync problem

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 01:22 PM PDT

When I: Apps > Settings > Accounts.> Google. every time I get this message: Unfortunately, settings has stopped? I tried restarting the phone ..also when i look at google contacts online, google only backed up 30 contacts out of hundreds! .. The reason I want this 1-to sync contacts to be available at gmail online 2-to backup my contacts

submitted by /u/operacarmen
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Whats the biggest differense between the S7 and Note7?

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 09:32 AM PDT

I have the note and need to bring it in. I'm wondering if i should go with an S7 or wait for the note. I've only ever had two android phones, this one and the note 3, before that it was all apple. So I'm not sure about which phone offers what. Like is the S7 faster? The only thing i do know is that it doesn't have the pen.

Please, if you're going to talk hardware dumb it down for me.

submitted by /u/Black-Kirito
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Photo transferring issue. Huawei P9 > Macbook

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 09:30 AM PDT

I Originally posted this on /r/Huawei but I'll try here as well

I am going crazy. There is something very strange going on when I try to transfer my photos from my P9 to my macbook.

I do as I always have done with previous Android phones, just plug the phone into the computer and choose the "photo transfer mode". I then open Photos on my mac and start transferring.

The problem is that the majority of my photos have super bad quality and the timestamp shows 1970, like it just transfers the thumbnails. First i though it was a problem with photos being stored on the SD-card but it seems just random which photos "work" and which one's don't.

Do someone know a solution to this? Googling hasn't given me any useful information yet.

submitted by /u/pejnis
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Why isn't the hardware available in the Google play app?

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 05:01 AM PDT

Just curious as to why it's only available on desktop/laptop and not in the app?

submitted by /u/ZoidbergRush
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USB-C power adapter for Nexus 6P questions

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 10:52 AM PDT

I'm not sure exactly where to post this question, but I'm hoping you guys can help me. Searching has not given me any solid answers. I'm looking for both information and suggestions.

I have a Nexus 6P, and my stock wall charger has stopped working. I've grabbed an old USB charger and a USB A->C cable to temporarily work, but it does not charge very quickly. This is my only USB-C device.

I'm looking to purchase a new wall adapter. I could buy a stock replacement from Google, however I'd like to know my options. Obviously a third-party could save me money, which is something I'm hoping to do. But additionally, I also keep an iPad near my bed, and I'd like to find a two-slot charger that I could charge both with. However, this would mean a USB-A charger with an A->C cable and an A->Lightning cable.


  • Will the Nexus 6P's "fast charge" work with an A->C cable as long as the charger was 5v3A, or only with USB-C->USB-C?
  • Do you have any recommendations of chargers for the Nexus 6P?
submitted by /u/dschneider
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Help updating to Marshmallow

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 07:51 AM PDT

Hello, I have a Galaxy Tab S and want to update it to Marshmallow. It is currently in version 5.0.2. I have been trying to find a way to do but I have come up empty handed. Does anyone know of a way or am I just going to be stuck with Lollipop?

submitted by /u/lyada
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Need advice! Unknown App/Process running in the background.

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 07:41 AM PDT

So I just wanted to change my battery indicator when I saw an App/Process called "10000" that drained 3% of my Battery, not much, but I only had my phone unplugged for an hour or so. So I just wanted to ask what this could be. (I'm on my phone right now, so sorry about shitty formatting and no flair) My current device is a OnePlus Two running Marshmallow. Thanks in advance. (Also, I'm new to this subreddit, so please forgive me if I did something wrong)

submitted by /u/Cemtleman
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