Must have: Top 3 best apps to earn free airtime

We mostly complain about not been able to afford the money used in buying airtime and thus unable to make important call when needed. Today I have compiled the top best 3 apps you can use to earn free credit with and the amazing thing about this, is that you don't have to stress yourself to earn the airtime.
(1). Slide airtime: this is by far the most essential app that enables you to earn free credit in your phone.
How does it work?
There' no limit in earning free credit using slide airtime, here's how it works. When you Download the app, you have to register with your email, now you can earn free airtime by inputting a friends promotion code. Example when you use my promotion code which is BUBBLES  you will earn the sum of #100 while I earn the same #100. Share your promo code to friends to earn more credit. You can also answer solve quiz in this app to earn free credit. Its quite easy all you have here once you reach the minimum of 50naira you request a cash out.
to do is to download the app
(2). Myadsmyads is among the toplist of the apps used to earn free airtime, it works like magic, most people prefer myads to slide airtime but both are good.
How does it work?
This app is quite easy to use, it works like no other else to. It converts points to airtime. To earn points you have to turn on your mobile data when receiving a call, after answering you can refresh and see how much points you have earn. Download the app here and start earning immediately.
(3). Champcashchampcash also works great when you want free credits. It has no limit to earning and its quite friendly.
How does it work?
Champcash works tremendously without stress, you earn free airtime when you invite a friend to use the app. As I said earlier on, Its quite easy and friendly to use. Download the app here and start earning. 
No duling!
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