Looking for an app like Words With Friends but for chess?

Looking for an app like Words With Friends but for chess?

Looking for an app like Words With Friends but for chess?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 05:10 AM PDT

Chess programs drain an unbelievable amount of battery when you are playing against an AI. Here you would be playing against a human... Unfortunately you'd need internet and it would take a while to play a full game but at least it wouldn't gobble up all my battery

submitted by /u/OmniscientShadow
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Fun games to play with my girlfriend?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 06:29 AM PDT

Any good games beside hang out w friends and scramble?

submitted by /u/futbol90x
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Looking for an app which blurs a rectangular area of a photo

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 04:53 AM PDT

I'm looking fo an app where I can select and adjust a rectangular area on a photo and then blur (or blacken) it. All apps I tried (and that were a lot) either just blur a photo and set the original on top of it or blur by wiping over the photo, which is to imprecise for me. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/-Phiwa-
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[DEV] I've just published my first app: SUMMY - A personalized text and web page summarizer which works with every language! I need YOUR feedback!

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 07:22 AM PDT

SUMMY is a simple app that lets you get a summary out of any web page or text you write or paste in it. One of its main features is the fact that it works with any language: I created a custom algorithm that analyzes words frequencies in each paragraph of your text and chooses the most significant sentences to keep. That's why it is not bonded to just one language.

You can also choose the length you prefer: I developed several different versions of my algorithm to let the user choose how long they want their summary. This is also useful in case the current summary is not good enough: using a different length (and, consequentially, a different algorithm) you might get a better one! All of this obviously works even with web pages.

I also included a sharing button which lets you send or use in another app the summary you just created.

Google Play Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.BlindSpotInteractive.Summy

I should also say this is my first real android app (I've only released a small game made with unity before, which was a completely difference experience for me), so I ask you to give feedback on my app! I care about what you think so I can improve this and my future apps!

submitted by /u/OrangeKoala35
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[DEV] Close to release my first Android app and I'm looking for beta testers. It's a different Task, To-Do, Reminder app. Screenshots inside. [cross post from /r/androiddev]

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 12:03 PM PDT

Hi redditors,

After 9 months of development I'm close to release my first app and I'm looking for beta testers who can make my app crash as much as possible before the release. Also, any feedback would be really appreciated.

Shoot me your email so I can include you in the list.

Here are some screenshots of the app: http://imgur.com/a/f9b3C


EDIT: First of all I want to say THANKS! I didn't expected such a huge reception and awesome comments from all you guys. Now, my inbox is dead so I have to figure out a way of adding new people to the beta-tester list in an easy an faster way (I'm thinking a Google spreadsheet document). A lot of people are asking me about roadmap so here are the major next features I'm planning to add:

  • Next couple of weeks: Release 1.0

Next features (no particular order):

  • Server backups and device syncing: there's some work already but not for 1.0
  • Calendar syncing
  • Shared tasks
  • Profile
  • More interaction with gestures
  • and a bunch of other features

I want 1.0 to be really stable before diving into more features and testing from yesterday to today has been great. I found a couple of issues I'm working right now so wait for the update in the next hours. Once again, thank you all. You guys rock!

submitted by /u/rylexr
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[Question] Is There A Way To Mark E-Mails As Read, Directly From The E-Mail Notification?

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 10:58 PM PDT

I am speaking of gmail, of course, but I am open to other app-based suggestions.

submitted by /u/un6952db
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[REQUEST] Iconless List App Drawer

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 05:02 AM PDT

Are there app drawers that look like this. Sorry for my poor quality mock up but you get the idea.

I'm running Nova , would a different App Drawer conflict with it?

I am also rooted running 7.0.

Edit: I sort of got want I wanted with installing a invisible icon pack and changing some settings in Nova but its not perfect so I'm still looking.

submitted by /u/LetsOne
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What facebook messenger version is the newest with OLD smileys?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 08:39 AM PDT

Is it a good idea to keep it at that version? should I keep messenger up to date?

submitted by /u/failurehuman
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Looking for a live wall paper that changes according to weather.

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 08:34 AM PDT

Looking for unread counter app?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 03:05 AM PDT

I look something like tesla unread but free? I am waiting for nova prime discount

submitted by /u/class12394
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Which is the best site to follow up with android news?

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 07:53 PM PDT

(request) Stack notifications

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 06:28 AM PDT


I'm looking for some kind of stacking app that adds 4 example all my Facebook notification to one Notification, instead of having 10 of them until I clean them up!

submitted by /u/strandbrink
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Looking For A Great Photo Slideshow App For My Tablet

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 09:56 AM PDT

I want to use my table as a photo picture frame and need a great app. I'm testing the photo screensaver plugins for Kodi and some of the the apps like Slideshow HD, Quickpic, Slideshow 500 Pixgram and Photo Story.

I'd like an app that will:

  • read from ext sd card

  • recursively read a directory structure

  • have nice transition effects


submitted by /u/chepabit
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"OK Google, play <song title>" starts a radio station instead of paying the song on GPM.

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 09:32 AM PDT

Is there anyway to get Google voice to just play the song and not start a radio station?

submitted by /u/Kurama1
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Searching for a music app with specific functionality

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 11:56 PM PDT

Hey all, I'm searching for a music player in which I could play ALL my local (in memory) music library at once, with a simple play all button, sorted with IDv3 tags either by:
* Artist->album->track no.
* Album Artist->album->track no.
* Album->Artist->track no.
* Album->Album Artist->track no.

So at least one of the sortings available would be great. One player did this actually, Eleven from Cyanogenmod, but since it updated a while ago it FC on my Nexus 5x stock MM, now Nougat device. Any ideas, recommendations?

Phone is rooted, btw.

submitted by /u/Venthe
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Looking for an app that sends current location as sms periodically

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 11:56 PM PDT

I am looking for an app that sends my current location as SMS periodically. I used to use Motorola Alert in my old mobile (moto G first gen) for that purpose. In Moto g 4 plus, it is not supported. Please recommend ASAP. TIA

submitted by /u/srivve
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Finding an app that shows a text in random order

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 07:12 AM PDT

I have to remember non-English words for my incoming exam. I would like an app that shows the words in a random order so I can tell the meaning of each one. Any help is much appreciated.

submitted by /u/tariq951
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Joox or Spotify?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 03:03 AM PDT


submitted by /u/Muazrozlan
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Twitter widget/app that scrolls tweets ?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 06:12 AM PDT

Is there any app/widget that changes the tweets once every period of time(which i can set), so i could put it on my work table and read tweets while working, without touching the phone ?

submitted by /u/furyfairy
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[DEV] New app to play your phone's music on speakers wirelessly.

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 02:50 AM PDT

I released my first Android app a few weeks ago. It's called Weezzler and it lets you play your phone's music on any browser over a wifi network.

It's super easy to use, the only requirement is to be connected to the same wifi network in the phone and the computer, you don't need extra hardware or a user.

If find it really useful if you have some audio files that are not available on Spotify or other streaming services and you want to play them on speakers and use your phone as a remote control.

Link to Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.weezzler.android

This is the site you have to go in your computer to connect to your phone: http://www.weezzler.com/

Hope you like it, I'm still working on some new functionalities and improvements but I would love some feedback!

submitted by /u/atamagno
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I need a good news app with breaking news notifications. Any suggestions?

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 04:24 PM PDT

I was a big fan of Circa News before it went under, mainly because of their breaking news notifications. For the past year I've been looking for a suitable replacement. Currently using AP News, but their definition of "breaking news" is infuriating (I just got a notification about college football rankings). What apps do you all suggest?

submitted by /u/expected_crayon
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New yahoo fantasy app a battery drainer? I was only using it for ~30 minutes this morning.

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 05:33 AM PDT

[DEV] Golden Sum - A Number Puzzle Game

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 03:56 PM PDT


This is the first game I've ever published, It's free. I really enjoy playing it, hopefully you will to. It's for android version 5.0 up.

It's a number puzzle game played on a 5x5 grid. You start with two numbered blue-green squares, a 1 square and a 2 square. To create new squares you select any two blue-green squares that share a side, then select an empty square that shares a side with one of the selected squares. The sum of the two squares becomes a new numbered square. Then you can use the new square to create more squares, with the end goal being to change the gold square into a blue-green square with the same number.

Sound confusing? There's a step by step how to play in the game.

Let me know what you think!

submitted by /u/hedonicmania
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[DEV] Daily Programmer,

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 06:19 AM PDT

Google Play

An app for coders, developers or students: daily coding challenges for learning, refreshing or just for fun! Still a lot of work to do, but I'm pretty happy about the results. Waiting for your feedbacks!

It's basically a material-design fronted of /r/dailyprogrammer

submitted by /u/shinyeye4
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Ultra Power saving/stamina mode for stock android?

Posted: 06 Sep 2016 06:27 AM PDT

Hi all, I'm looking for a more functional battery saving mode.

I'm running stock MM and know that there's a setting to enable 'battery saver' mode at 15% but what I'm looking for is an app that that'll allow me to trigger a mode any time I choose, and at the same time allow me to control which apps/features to limit or kill, effectively like Samsung's UPSM or Sony's Stamina mode.

Is such functionality possible with stock android? I'd prefer not to root if possible.

submitted by /u/choobakka
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