Does anyone know what this "mini browser" that opens from Google search is? And how do I turn it off? I'd like clicking search results to go right to chrome.

Does anyone know what this "mini browser" that opens from Google search is? And how do I turn it off? I'd like clicking search results to go right to chrome.

Does anyone know what this "mini browser" that opens from Google search is? And how do I turn it off? I'd like clicking search results to go right to chrome.

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 06:39 AM PDT

Instead of this terrible mini browser thing, I wish clicking a result brought me right to chrome. Anyone else? How do I get rid of it?

submitted by /u/DefenderTitan
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Any one know what this weird WiFi icon is for?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 01:12 PM PDT

my wifi has been spotty (turning itself on and off ) since i found this symbol. It just showed up on my phone that i've used a year and half. i have an at&t padfone x that's currently on t-mobile. Thank you all for reading my post.

submitted by /u/compekid
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For the last few days Android OS and Android system have been draining my battery. How can I figure out why?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 12:32 PM PDT

Why is there such a big gap between professional and user-reviews for the Nexus 5x?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 08:37 AM PDT

I've been considering getting the Nexus 5x, and have looked at various review sites. What strikes me as odd is that almost all the reviewers give it excellent scores with only a few minor things here and there, but the users says it's the "worst phone ever".

There's also those that do x-months after reviews and they also seem to agree that the phone is really bad.

How can there be such a divide? Is it just a very vocal minority? Or are there actual issues with the phone that doesn't become apparent until it's been used for a couple of months?

Issues that users keep repeating:

Extremely poor battery-endurance. Some mention as low as 2 hours screen-time on a full charge.

Lag/hang-issues, and long startup time for apps. Some are reporting upwards of 10-15 seconds to get the camera-app up and running.

Extremely poor speaker-sound, to where it's almost unusable.

Can someone that have this phone clear this up in an objective way?

submitted by /u/SleepyOne
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How do I disable Amber Alerts in (stock) Android 7.0?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 11:49 AM PDT

I recently upgraded my Nexus 5x to Android 7.0 but can no longer find the option to disable amber alerts.

It used to be in "Settings > More > Emergency Broadcasts" but that option no longer appears in the menu.

I have had no luck googling to find an answer. I know that I could probably disable emergency broadcasts entirely through the app menu, but I would still like weather alerts to come through, just not amber alerts.

Edit: I asked Project Fi support who informed me it was moved to the Sound menu. Doesn't make a ton of sense to me, but glad to know where it is!

submitted by /u/futilehabit
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Google Allo dev APK?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 06:27 AM PDT

post was removed from /r/ android so I thought I'd try here.

Is there a reliable link for the dev version of Allo?

I just downloaded the .apk from the link below which seems to be legitimate. My problem is it's prompting me to enter a code that would have been texted to me but it never sent the text after +10min.

Is this legitimate or is there a more reliable source?

Edit: Turns out that the permissions switch for Phone and SMS were turned off. I just turned them on and it now populates my phone number in the correct field but after pressing the button to send the text, it appears to switch to the code entry window for a moment and immediately snaps back to the phone number entry screen.

submitted by /u/KD2JAG
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Storage/emulated/ is empty and my phone's storage is almost completely full.

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 12:19 PM PDT I have the HTC One M8 on Verizon, how do I free up space?

submitted by /u/Nmoz
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Help me pick my first smartphone.

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 03:58 PM PDT

so I'm 19 never had a smart phone, here are my only requirements -Good battery life -Easy to install cyanogenmod on currently considering the nexus 5 (avoiding the 5x because of /vendor) is there anything better that I can put cyanogenmod on for sub £300 I'm on O2 in the UK if it's relevant

submitted by /u/anon555654
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Can I unbrick a locked, unrooted Galaxy tab?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 12:09 PM PDT

Hi, I asked a question here yesterday but it wasn't great because I honestly didn't know enough of my problem to ask it. Now with (slightly) more knowledge, here is my problem.

My Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1 (GT-P7510) won't turn on. It won't give an indication it's charging (when it first got bricked, I plugged it in for like 12 hours so I don't think thee battery is just super dead). It won't go into System Recovery mode. But I still have hope because it does get recognized by my computer. More on that later.

It's never been rooted. Short of downloading some Humble Bundle APK files, I've not really done anything outside the normal consumer expectations. Since its brickage, I have popped the case off and seen if the wires are all hooked up (they are).

Here's what I've done. I've followed these instructions:

and everything worked up to a point. I turned my device from an APX device with an error message into a "NVIDIA USB Boot Recovery driver for mobile devices." But when I ran the bootloader command, I got the ox4 error which OP said means my tablet is locked.

I've researched "unbricking" and I keep getting results for people who have rooted devices, or their devices can still go into recovery mode/download mode (which to my thinking means their devices AREN'T bricked). A lot of them talk about using Odin, but it seems like there's not a way to install that since the device is already bricked.

Am I stuck? Is my device un-unbrickable because it's locked and un-unlockable because it's bricked? Is there something else I'm missing? Did my wife buy me that screwdriver set for nothing?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/action_lawyer_comics
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Download manager

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 12:07 PM PDT

What is it and why is it taking up 981mb after I updated to Android 6? Doesn't seem to be the same as system data. Have an HTC one e8, thank you!

submitted by /u/RUItalianMan
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Pressed "as is" on captive portal on apartment wifi, now it won't come back up.

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 03:47 PM PDT

I have an lgV10, and I just set up a router in my room plugged into wall ethernet port. It works, and others are using it just fine.

When I was setting it up however, the captive portal came up and for whatever reason I pressed the settings in top right corner and it had two options, I chose to use "as is" and now I can't get the captive portal to come up.

Things I have tried: Different browsers, reboot phone, clearing cookies etc. from browsers, connecting to another apartments wifi, connecting to lobby wifi (I did the portal in there but when I come back to my room nothing works still).

submitted by /u/Zarknox
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I need help with a problem. I'm a dumbass..

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 09:44 AM PDT

My phone usually charges on top of my mini-fridge next to my bed. (I'm a college student) My roommate woke me up with his alarm about two hours before mine went off. I was groggy as hell, so I took my retainers out and placed them haphazardly. About an hour later, (still before my alarm) I woke up and my phone said something like "the phone is experiencing irregular charging patters" (Don't take that as 100% what it said, I was groggy still.) When I finally woke up, my phone had stopped charging at 98%. I removed the cable and reinserted it, and it said there was moisture in the port. I connected the pool of slobber from my retainer and the moisture in my phone, and well.. I panicked.. upon further research, I learned that this cannot damage my phone, only stop it from charging. (It's an S7 so the moisture protection features are built in.) This calmed me down a bit, and I grabbed a tissue. I rolled it into a point and was going to put it in the port. I thought tissue that might break apart would be a bad idea, so I used my hair dryer and heated up the port to potentially speed up the drying process. (I didn't overheat it.) Its been an hour and I'm in class so I cannot test it again, but is there anything else I can do?

submitted by /u/FrenchieDev
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Hoe to install Viper4Android driver?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 03:35 PM PDT

I installed Stericson's Busybox, set selinux to permissive, removed AudioFX with Lucky Patcher, installed the driver, rebooted the phone but the driver is still nlt enabled. I already tried compatible mode and force enable but none of them worked. I'm using a OnePlus 3 running CyanogenMod 13. Any suggestion?

submitted by /u/pcroland
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Any way to make Now reminders and Calendar notifications continue to periodically signal notification until acknowledged?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 03:22 PM PDT

Missed a reminder this afternoon because I didn't hear it. I suppose I could install a custom long-duration notification ringtone so that I might have a better chance of hearing it but it seems a better design would be for the reminder to continue firing until acknowledged by the user. Any way to configure this on Android without resorting to Tasker?

Nexus 6P (Marshmallow)

submitted by /u/imakesawdust
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Where does the OnePlus X stand?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 02:50 PM PDT

I'm looking at some options for a new Android, but I'm a little confused as to what the OPX is supposed to be, like what crowd/role it's supposed to be, where it stands in OP's lineup, etc. I understand it's not a flagship, because the 3 exists, but at the same time it seems a little too robust to be a budget option (in which I could entirely be wrong about.)

So where does the OnePlus X stand?

submitted by /u/TimmyP7
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How to bypass PIN lock without losing data?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 11:00 AM PDT

Long story short, an LG G4, PIN locked. Owner forgot PIN but wants to save data. Unfortunately phone not rooted, no custom recovery, ADB not enabled so all methods I found on Google didn't work.

Anyone has any idea?

submitted by /u/gnad
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I am getting a pop up on my phone, but I can't figure out what app is causing it (pic inside)

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 02:45 PM PDT is the pop up.

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/thisisjustmyworkacco
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How come the Galaxy View 18'4" Tablet is so cheap compared to other tablets?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 02:45 PM PDT

I'm eyeing buying the galaxy view ( for an in car entertainment system - but I am wondering why it's so cheap compared to other tablets? Anyone have it can chime in or understand what's going on with this product?

submitted by /u/potent_rodent
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Signature Spoofing Android N

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 02:08 PM PDT

Does somebody know a way to get Signature Spoofing working on Android N? I'd like to use MicroG and its needed for this Framework to run properly, but I can't find a way to get Spoofing to work on N.

submitted by /u/nwtti
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What current Android 6 not-to-pricey phones could be upgradable to Nougat? What about unofficial ROMs?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 09:54 AM PDT


Idea is to get phone for app development, with possibility to have as much as possible Android upgrades in the future.

What are currently known Android 6 phones that most probably (or definitely) will have official upgrades to Android 7, excluding pricey "flagships"?

Also, what about unofficial ROM's, such as Android 7 for Nexus 4 for example, could they be used for testing apps that need, for example, Google Play Services, such as Push notifications and similar? Does official Google Play store works there too?


submitted by /u/Talkless
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Bought a phone in India and it bricked under warranty. support numbers connect you to scammers. Is their anything I can do to get it fixed or am I screwed?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 01:40 PM PDT

I kinda can't believe it, but there are two numbers listed on the LG india website, one is not in service, one connects me to a number offering me a 100 dollar walmart gift card. I'm assuming LG redirects foreign callers to spam.

I'm running out of ideas. One is to contact Hong Kong or Macau customer support where the same model is offered and ask them if they can fix it but I doubt it. The other is to just send the bricked phone to a friend in India and let them try and get it repaired. but I imagine shipping a small package to India and back might not be cheap.

submitted by /u/Shawwnzy
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I can't turn up my ringer on my Droid Turbo.

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 01:38 PM PDT

This problem started today. This is what my "Sound & notification" profile looks like. Notice the "open circles" on both Ring and Notification. I can't move them. Nor do the volume buttons on the side of the phone do anything to turn it up.

I didn't download any new apps recently. I have no idea what could have caused this.

Things I have tried:

  • Turning it off and on again

  • Checking for system updates

  • Clearing cache

  • Rebooting to Safe Mode

Another symptome is that I can't play the ringtones in the menu that lets you select one.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

submitted by /u/k_kolsch
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Are there any good HTC 10 glass screen protectors? I understand it won't go edge to edge because of the 2.5d glass but my skinomi techskin gets damaged easily. They make good ones for iPhones and other phones with 2.5d glass, as long as it covers the screen Portion I'd be happy!

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 06:03 AM PDT

Is enabling Accessibility features still killing performance for most people?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 09:44 AM PDT

I'm just interested because for me it seems app dependent. Native Clipboard causes massive scroll lag while Texpand has no noticeable impact.

submitted by /u/Gloeggii
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Moved into a dead zone, almost always at -120 dBm. Help please?

Posted: 07 Sep 2016 09:17 AM PDT

So I just moved into an apartment near my college, which is in a small city, surrounded by farms. I don't have any bars, and my phone is always between -120 and -115 dBm. I use Google messenger, and I'm in a couple group chats. To get the group messages, I have to go to each person's thread and download each message, then I turn airplane mode on and off. I do have decent wifi, so is there a better messenger app that would only use wifi? Or is there anything I can do to have more signal in my apartment? I have Sprint, with a note 4, if that helps.

submitted by /u/dom-angelo
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