What do you guys do while compiling?

What do you guys do while compiling?

What do you guys do while compiling?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 06:32 AM PST

This is a bit of a serious question, and not a jokey one.

I have started freelancing more seriously with Android development, and coming from a web development background with dynamic languages like Ruby where I could see the results of my work pretty much instantaneously, I find that the compile time (and installing the APK onto the emulator or the device I am using to test my code) seriously hampers my productivity.

I work on a new feature, or make some changes in my code, and run the code to see if it worked or not, and then...... I have to wait like 3 - 4 minutes before I can verify my code. This seriously kills my productivity and focus as 3 - 4 minutes is quite a long time and I find myself wandering off to facebook or reddit to kill time. This destroys my focus and I feel overall unproductive when I'm doing Android development. And the worse thing is, when your mind wanders off to something else, it takes a few minutes to focus back to whatever you were doing, which is even more waste of time.

So what do you other Android devs do during compile time? Or are there any tips and tricks to reduce this lag-time?


submitted by /u/BananaKick
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Are there good open source projects with substantial documentation?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 08:25 PM PST

I'm in the process of learning android and I'm wondering if there are some open source projects available that include documentation including class-diagrams, or explanations of the design/architecture. Does this exist? Any recommendations?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/skytbest
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MVP != MVP, categorization into stateless and stateful

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 03:42 PM PST

I wrote an MVP library and people keep asking me why I did this because "you don't need a library to do MVP". They are correct, I am correct, we were talking about two different things.

I try to categorize MVP implementations into stateless and stateful forms


  • a new Presenter for every Activity instance (doesn't survive orientation changes)
  • state is part of the Activity, often stored in onSaveInstanceState
  • simply pulls out code from the Activity which makes it testable
  • doesn't need a library


  • the Presenter object survives orientation changes
  • the state is hold in the Presenter and the Activity is stateless (dumb view)
  • async processes can run while the Activity changes configuration
  • requires a library for complex Presenter<->Activity binding

I recently gave a talk on this giving more detail on the difference

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL9MbFiUOwY

Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/passsy/thirtyinch-living-next-to-the-activity

The same happens for other words we use every day: ViewModel, Presenter, Model, View, Controller, Manager, Service, Repository, ...

When you are talking to somebody, don't assume they have the same understanding of those concepts, be specific and always describe exactly what they are doing.

submitted by /u/passsy
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On a Pixel, is it possible to get gestures from the fingerprint scanner?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 02:01 PM PST

I am insanely new to android (I have had iOS for five years, until two days ago when I picked up a pixel). One of the deciding reasons was the documentation on writing apps, and the language (java vs swift....). I've learned how to use the basic things like textviews, buttons, switches, edittexts, etc. I've also learned gestures. Now I am ready to do what I want to do: setup an app (that would only be used by me) to add more gestures with the finger print scanner, such as home (tapping), undo (fling right), close current app (fling left), etc.

Is this possible, and if so, how do I get gestures from the finger print scanner? Would I need to root my phone to do what I want?

submitted by /u/espo1234
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Migrated blog to medium. I'd be covering some advanced Android Topics like Dagger-2, Android App Architecture using MVVM and DataBinding, Effective Gradle builds, RxJava-2, Concurrency

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 11:30 PM PST

Recommendations for a framework to manage cross-device events

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 10:09 PM PST

I am interested in synchronizing events between devices communicating either by wifi or bluetooth. For example, have a stopwatch begin at the same instant across a set of devices, with as low a latency as possible.

Can you recommend a framework for handling such events?

submitted by /u/mmsood99
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Feedback on a UI paradigm: RecyclerView to display nested tree with drag & drop

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:59 AM PST

I'm working on an activity that uses a RecyclerView to display a tree data structure with drag & drop. Every item in the tree should be draggable to anywhere else in the tree. I've got a UI working, but I'd like feedback from others if it makes sense and if it would be clear/simple enough for the average user.

The sticky problem is this: when you're dragging a node, how do you determe which node should be its new parent upon dropping. (Note: I am using ItemTouchHelper a la this tutorial).

Here's how it's working now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YznIEtCNvi8

So right now, when you drop a node, it is placed in the tree as a sibling of the node before it -- unless the previous node has its children expanded (whether it currently has children or not), in which case the dropped node is made a child of the previous node.

Does this make sense?

(Not sure if this would be better in the feedback thread, I apologise if it's in the wrong spot... but I can't post a link to the app/source yet; I'm happy to move it though)


submitted by /u/bradmont
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Best way to implement an horizontal image slider on a fragment

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 01:57 PM PST

I am building an app where I have a Fragment with an horizontal image slider component and the images that I want to show in that ViewPager are going to be taken as the user need it so would like to know if the best way to implement that image slider is using a ViewPager?

submitted by /u/expocode
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Question about intents and activities, why use Parcelables? Why not stick to pointers?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 10:55 AM PST

In Android Application Development, if you want to pass objects across activities, why do you need to implement the said objects as parcelable? By putting a Parcelable in my intent, it seems like I'm creating a brand new object. But why can't I just pass a pointer to the object I've already created in the previous activity?

submitted by /u/keanedawg
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How to implement a view that shows Reddit comments?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 12:43 PM PST

I'm trying to understand how to implement a view that shows Reddit comments, as in the official Reddit Android app.

A few features the view should support:

  • collapse comment and kids
  • show vertical line across comments with the same depth

I guess there are a couple high-level ways we can implement:

  • list view / recycler view with all the items flattened, along with their depth for indentation; not sure how the vertical line across comments would work with this implementation
  • recursive layouts
submitted by /u/mismatchtea
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Android launcher development boilerplate?

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 08:21 AM PST

Hello all,

I'm fairly new to Android development however I was a very active iOS Jailbreak tweak developer. I want to port some of my iOS tweaks to android. However I have some questions and I just want to confirm my line of thinking is correct.

In order to reimplement android folders I believe I have two options:

  • Implement my own Launcher with the desired folder functionality I wish to achieve.
  • Used Xposed framework to reimplement my desired functionality

The first option seems like my best bet because it would have potential to reach a larger audience, however it would suck to implement an entire Launcher just to achieve some fancy folders. Especially when the community is so closely connected to competing Launchers like Nova.

I guess my questions boil down to this:

1. Is there any Play Store approved way to reimplement my own custom folders without creating my own launcher?

2. When creating my own launcher could I use a fork of Google's launcher3, implement my desired functionality and then submit that to the playstore? If not is there some other boilerplate launcher code that would not require me to implement everything from scratch?

Hope I explained my self clearly. Thanks!

submitted by /u/zachrussell
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Need some guidance

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:41 AM PST

I'm an old man looking to go back to school. I've been kicking around the idea of Mobile development. While looking around the Internet figuring out what line of schooling to pursue, I've seen a few options. I live close to FullSail and they offer a mobile development degree which seems tailored specifically to the industry. The more traditional schooling options are more vague. Should I entertain the FullSail option, or is the traditional schooling (college) a better way to go. Do I start with a broader tech degree and then fine tune it down the line or are there degrees for this stuff nowadays? Any help would be much appreciated.

submitted by /u/alterreason
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The problem with semantic versioning

Posted: 18 Dec 2016 04:02 AM PST

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