So does anyone else hate the new Gboard?

So does anyone else hate the new Gboard?

So does anyone else hate the new Gboard?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 10:11 AM PST

I'm finding that it is making a lot more errors with autocorrect and often seems to become unresponsive to swype input, forcing me to type out a word manually (coincidentally, it took me an extra 20s or so to type "manually" there because my keyboard got stuck after typing the word "word") in order to get the keyboard to respond to regular input again.

It also likes to insist that my grammar is incorrect and retroactively changes words earlier in my sentence thus making grammatical errors on my behalf. Similarly, it likes to randomly capitalize either the first letter of a word or the word in its entirety, as well as doing the opposite. For example, I tried to type "GIF" in a comment earlier and it insisted that it be lower case.

What can I do about this? This keyboard is seriously frustrating and buggy.

submitted by /u/LOAARR
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$200 Off Pixel Promo a month ago.

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 10:34 AM PST

A month ago, there was a post about getting $200 off the Pixel if we get the max tab then call in and cancel.

When I got the phone, I called in and tried to cancel. The rep said that I have to wait 90 days before I can buy out the phone or unlock the phone. He said that if I don't like it, I can return the phone back to the store. He said that I have a 14 day trial period that if I don't like it, I can return it; that I'm not on any contract and that I can stop anytime.

I want to buy out the phone and get $200 off the pixel. Am I asking the wrong questions? Thanks

submitted by /u/Portman_throwaway
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Google won't refund my purchase

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 10:31 AM PST

Hi. My younger sister took my old Android phone (I haven't used in forever) she went to google play and bought an album. I caught her before she played it. I asked Google for a refund but I got an email back saying "We received your refund request for Fearless , but we can't provide a refund for this purchase because it is outside of our refund policy." Any idea why? My sister is 10 (under 18) and bought this without my consent. I would really like a refund. Thanks!

Edit: Solved! Google was kind enough to give me a full refund!

submitted by /u/iComputerGeek101
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Android wiped after password/pattern was entered 10 times wrong. Any chance of recovery?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 08:27 AM PST

It was all on the phone storage, not the SD. Friends daughter was playing with it as I was unaware it had the setting to delete everything.

Would love to get some personal media recovered if at all possible.


submitted by /u/pussy_lip
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Is there a way to access my Nexus 5 phone in any way if the touchscreen is broken

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 07:41 AM PST

The screen still lights up, but it doesn't register any touches. I'm getting a new phone in a few days so it's not that much of an issue, but I want to get my data off the phone. I know i can access all my files of I plug it in to my computer, but that requires me to allow files sharing from my settings in the phone, and I can't do that without the touchscreen obviously.

Worst case scenario, Ill pay to get it fixed, and then sell it for cheap to a friend to minimize loses

submitted by /u/Dehaka
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Touchscreen going crazy, restart fixes it (Lenovo K6 note)

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 01:29 PM PST

This is a problem I haven't had before. The touchscreen decides to go crazy from time to time. What I mean by that is it will start pressing stuff I didn't press but only after I tap on something. It won't do it on it's own. For example, sometimes it will pull down the notification bar if I try to swipe to a different home screen or it will press the comma button after every letter I type. Sometimes it will ignore the fact that I tapped on the messenger bubble. Sometimes it just lets me tap once after unlocking my phone and won't react to anything until I lock and unlock it again. Restarting the device always helps so that makes me think it's not a hardware issue. The phone is Lenovo K6 Note, obviously not a premium device but I didn't think this would be happening. I bought it about 2 weeks ago and this has been happening from the start, more or less. Sometimes it won't happen in a day or two, sometimes it will happen like 8-10 times a day. Very annoying as you might imagine. So is there anything I can do to fix this? Should I try a factory reset?

submitted by /u/Filipksd
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Google Messenger, Unable to Download Some Messages

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 10:30 AM PST

I have a problem receiving some texts using the built in Messenger app. Nexus 5x with Android version 7.0, AT&T is the service provider. For a few select people my phone doesn't download their texts. I think the people I am having trouble with are iPhone users, but I can receive messages from other iPhone users. I get a notification that I have a text, but then I get a failure to download notification. I believe these are SMS messages not MMS because they are just a few hundred bytes.

Anyone else have this problem and have a fix? Thanks!

Edit, screenshot of error message:

submitted by /u/bmbdkdkr
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Has anyone encountered this problem?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 12:15 PM PST

I have a Lenovo S850 and I have been using it for 2 years + and recently every time I use a cleaner app (Clean Master, UC Cleaner, CCleaner, etc.) my Android shows that a couple of apps have stopped running, the Launcher has also stopped running, the processor has also stopped running. These notifications show one after another and I'm forced to shut down my phone leave it for a couple of minutes, turn it on and it works but sometimes when I turned it on it shows that there's a problem and then there's no signal on my SIM card and I can't connect to the Wifi. So is there anyone who have encourtered this problem before or they still have it?

submitted by /u/RoniBoi
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Xposed on a Sony z5 compact?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 12:07 PM PST

I see the xda xposed threads saying the Sony files arent normal and hence xposed won't work, but I found which makes me think it might work.

Anyone had any luck with this? I'm not too familiar with how it all works.

submitted by /u/twigboy
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Keyboard App Blues

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 11:57 AM PST

I have tried countless keyboards. Nobody gets it right. I have two that almost get it right and I am hoping that someone can suggest an alternative. Here are the big deal-breakers: GBoard: Doesn't suggest words in Web search. Samsung: All of my contacts are in the dictionary so my word suggestions are worthless. I need a number row and press/hold for characters. I tried Swype with Dragon but their voice recognition sucks. Also, the way Samsung handles misspelled words ( or what it thinks are misspelled words) sucks. I also hate having an extra space after every word that I choose from their suggestions. Galaxy S7

submitted by /u/wrenchtosser
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How can Facebook messenger draw over apps w/o permission?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 11:56 AM PST

How can the Android app Facebook messenger show messages as user icons that pop up on home screen without having the permission to draw over apps? Didn't Android use to require special permission to do this?

submitted by /u/quartz_is_sand
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Marshmallow MTP-PC access creates copies of files?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 03:38 PM PST

Is annoying to have to wait for it to make a copy (which I will have to also delete from pc) before accessing videos, I guess is for sd card protection but how do I stop this. Or is there a way to change the usb type of connection to say mass storage?

Device is Galaxy S7 edge

submitted by /u/andlg
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Newest version of Google keyboard slide typing is very inaccurate.

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 03:05 PM PST

anyone else?

Did adding a number row break the accuracy?

submitted by /u/ImAskingDamnit
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Problem with Portrait Mode

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 03:04 PM PST

Hello fellow Androids,

Im currently on CM 13 with my Redmi Note 3S and everything is going fine, except that problem with my portrait mode. First I can't set that it stays in Portrait only landscape but that isnt the annoying problem. As you can see here: the screen is cut off when I'm in the settings window and also my tab overview is very small which isnt normal either. After I restart my phone everything goes back to normal for a while but then it starts happening again. Maybe I turned on a wrong option or something, I don't know. Is anyone here who knows a solution to my problem? Thanks

submitted by /u/CaptainnTedd
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Oneplus 3T or ZTE Axon 7?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 07:06 AM PST

Which one do you think I should get?, Please answer as soon as possible!

I just want a generally good phone with good Camera and it should be fast and should also last me for around 2 - 3 years.

Preferably also Daydream ready!

submitted by /u/Repsej11
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If we use Cerberus (root) should we turn off "ask for PIN before boot" and "ask for SIM on first startup" ?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 02:34 PM PST

If the phone gets stolen the first thing the thief will do is turn it off. He will probably turn it on later when he gets home to see what is on the phone.

He wouldn't be able to if the phone is set up to ask for a pin before booting.

Now there goes your chance of knowing where the thief lives.

Should we turn these 2 features off? Do they really protect us?

submitted by /u/ImAskingDamnit
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Can the running code differ from the code compiled from source if the sha1/md5 is the same?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 02:12 PM PST

Let's say someone posts their app code on Github, and it can be compiled to run just like the official app. Is it possible for the actual code in the officially released binaries to differ from a self-compiled version if the sha1/md5 matches?

submitted by /u/dconnectme
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How do I simplify quick settings on a J1-6?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 01:57 PM PST

So my dad has graduated from a flip phone to a Samsung J1-6 (his first upgrade in a decade and a half), and he's really trying his best to get a grasp on notifications, but quick settings being above the notifications is REALLY confusing him because there are too many "doohickey buttons". Without rooting (because I am far too lazy) is there an app that would change this?

submitted by /u/lIIlIllIlII
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Get notified when lost phone is turned on/located?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 01:44 PM PST

My brother lost his phone last night and finally was able to get into the google device manager.

Is there any way to be notified when the location gets updated or the phone turns on? Like remotely?

Thank you!

P.S. He hasnt had any location history for the past couple months any idea why?

Also he sent an erase request to the phone. Will that make it impossible to find

submitted by /u/Kaeny
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Solid Explorer created ghost songs

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 01:29 PM PST

Okay so out of boredom yesterday I decided to rename my music files properly. I used Solid Explorer to do so, and after I renamed all.the songs I had (around 200), I realized in my music player (Phonograph, but it happens in every player/editor) that the songs that I renamed had been doubled, so I have working renamed songs, and not-working original songs.

These songs cannot be played, the tags can't be edited, and I don't know where they come from (they're not in my music folder)

When I go to Solid's 'Music' library (which regroups all the songs on the device regardless of their location), the ghost songs are there, but can not be deleted and their location is not shown.
It's very annoying because although they're 0b in size, they appear in my music player and stop the playlist.
Any ideas on how to delete these and where they come from?

submitted by /u/Biobak_
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I have a problem with the smart screen cover for the samsung galaxy s6

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 01:22 PM PST

Whenever i hold the screen cover to my s7 edge, it works fine. However if i use it on the s6 it doesn't do anything. This probably means there are some settings in the phone that are incorrect. The box says to put NFC on, this doesn't work.

Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/Buurtjee
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Why won't my phone show ads?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 09:30 AM PST

I'm rooted with xposed installed but don't recall ever downloading any adblockimg modules. I even installed some to uninstall to see if it would work. I know it's weird wanting to see ads but this time I actually want to see ad for a game I like. Can anyone help me??

submitted by /u/kr0zz
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Note Edge

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 01:57 AM PST

So My Galaxy Note Edge freezes after using it for a few minutes, then - starts rebooting. I have already tried Factory Reset, I did some research, and found out that Android 6.0 might cause this problem, so I downgraded my Android up to 4.4 Kitkat, seems like my phone freezes a little bit less frequent, but still - every ~10 minutes of using. However there is one more thing, if I use Wake Lock app and make CPU always running, phone never freezes nor reboots. Anyone has any idea what might cause this problem ? Also, how bad is to keep your CPU always running(at least 300mhz) I don't really care about the battery, but I'm anxious if this won't kill my CPU ???

submitted by /u/andriusvv8
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Is there a way to reset the engineering menu on Samsung phones?

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 01:11 PM PST

I want to reset engineering menu on my phone.I don't have root.

submitted by /u/vgardyan
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problems with camera on lenovo zuk z2 pro using instagram

Posted: 24 Dec 2016 01:08 PM PST

I'm using lenovo zuk z2 pro, instagram app crushes every time I try to upload or to take a video and post it, for just a regular video or boomerang or "your story", it just won't work! Been trying to get resolution low to 720p, and still didn't solve the problem. posting video on FB works fine... so, does anybody know how to fix this? Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/zuk-user
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