Google is Using File-by-File Patching to Reduce App Update Size

Google is Using File-by-File Patching to Reduce App Update Size

Google is Using File-by-File Patching to Reduce App Update Size

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 07:44 AM PST

Android 7.1.1 Nougat Finally Here, What Can Users Expect

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 09:23 PM PST

Cheapest way to set up linux box for Android dev?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 08:21 PM PST

I'm tired of having to fight windows (and now windows 10!) over drivers. I use a Linux machine for work and I prefer it. What's the cheapest way for me to have a functional Android Studio dev environment at home that I can put Mint or Debian or something on? Monitor, keyboard etc not needed.

Or would this be better suited for /r/buildapcforme?

submitted by /u/RITheory
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A Java ePub reader for Android

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 11:29 PM PST

I want to code on Windows, compile on a Linux PC to reduce Load. Can it be done.

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 11:22 PM PST

I think I can install console only Android SDK with Gradle. No AS. Code on Windows, compile on Linux and return the apk to Windows where I could run on my phone.

submitted by /u/y2k2r2d2
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Writing custom lint rules and integrating them with Android Studio inspections

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 05:02 AM PST

Yoga - cross platform layout engine by Facebook

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 10:34 AM PST

A useful link: Android API Differences between 24 and 25

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 09:59 AM PST

Top 5 Android Libraries — December 2016

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 03:01 PM PST

ELI5: What does Square’s Flow library do?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 07:16 AM PST

Cannot get Android Studio to recognize my Pixel on the new Macbook Pro. Has anyone else experienced and/or resolved this?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 08:27 PM PST

I followed this guide, as usual, but no luck.

submitted by /u/kcarter80
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How to ask the user to change default apps

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 10:32 AM PST

I want to prompt the user to select what app he wants to be his default. (in this case, it's between my custom launcher, or the android standard launcher)

I've been lurking around Google, Stack Overflow and Android API Docs for the past hours hoping to find a solution for this.

I think I've managed to gather quite a bit of information so far, but please correct me if I'm wrong:

  1. An app cannot make itself the default app
  2. An app cannot stop other apps from being the default ones (other that itself)
  3. The only way to counter point 1 is through addPreferredActivity() method, which was deprecated
  4. There is a workaround, that involves creating a fake activity. However, it appears like it stopped working after android version 4.4.2

Also, most of the info I found on this subject was over 4 years old.

I've successfully implemented the workaround stated on point 4, but I'm afraid it might not work with android versions past 4.4.1

So, here's my question:

How can I prompt the user to change the default app?
(Keep in mind there's probably already another app set to 'Always')

Here's an example of what I'm talking about:

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/tirafesi
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Thinking Functionally

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 11:26 AM PST

TIL you can use finishAffinity() instead of Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 01:44 AM PST

you can use finishAffinity()) to clear all the previous activity in the task.

instead of

Intent intent = new Intent(this, A.class); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); finish() 

we can use

Intent intent = new Intent(this, A.class); startActivity(intent); finishAffinity() 
submitted by /u/ninadmg
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Apply Material Button style to custom button (Linear Layout)

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 01:36 PM PST

I have multiple "buttons" in my app that consist of a LinearLayout with an ImageView on the left and TextView on the right. I need to set the style of these buttons to a Material Button style (> API 21) programmatically. It needs to be done programmatically because the colour scheme in my app changes depending on the mode. I've tried adding a ripple drawable to my button using this code

TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue(); getContext().getTheme().resolveAttribute(android.R.attr.selectableItemBackground, outValue, true); textView.setBackgroundResource(outValue.resourceId); 

but I can't seem to add colours/elevation to it. Also, as a slightly separate topic, when I use this method to add a ripple drawable to two different buttons, both ripples animate when I click one of the buttons. Also I'm developing with Xamarin if that matters at all.


submitted by /u/androidloki
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How do you make a company for your app?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 05:16 PM PST

Can anyone point me to the basics of the process? How to register a company that I can use to release the app? Is there any advantage to doing this over just releasing under a screenname?

submitted by /u/LimeMacaron
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WebSockets in Android using OkHttp 3.5!

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 02:25 AM PST

If you are releasing an app for money, do you have to put your real name publicly?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 09:27 AM PST

I have accepted the fact that a physical address must be used if you are releasing a paid app on the app store.

But do you need to use your real name as well?

submitted by /u/LimeMacaron
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[DISQUSSION] Complex, reusable, testable, maintainable ViewHolders

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 09:24 AM PST

Let's say you need to write a ViewHolder for a Facebook post view.

  • The post needs to be reusable, displayed in several places (the feed with bunch of other different views, your profile, your groups...), maybe even reuse parts of the post view in other similar views.
  • There is a ton of complexity going on here, displaying, interactions, menus, etc. so the code needs to be testable and maintainable.

How would you approach this? Would you even use ViewHolder?

I see a lot of different approaches to the ViewHolder but they are based on simple views (few textviews and imageview) that are only used in one place most of the time. So I'm curios how would go implementing this complex piece of code, without having the army of engineers that Facebook has ready to fight for you.

submitted by /u/brisko_mk
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Request for proximity sensor to touch-capacitive buttons

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 01:13 PM PST

I'm not sure if this is a place to request an app or suggest an app idea but,

Regarding the Moto Z family or any other phone that has proximity sensors.

What if the proximity sensors could be programmed to be navbar buttons

Maybe lower the proximity needed to activate an action. Then you can tap the proximity sensor to go back and open app view.

submitted by /u/ErrorProxy
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Need advice on building a app

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 01:06 PM PST

Hi! I have a bit experience in javascript and arduino code but none in making apps.

I have a raspberry pi running a node-server (web interface) on my local network that i use to control a machine. The interface is accessed by going to 192.158.1.X/etc . But instead of doing that it would be neat having an app instead.

What the app should do is : 1. Show like a short splashscreen or animation while waiting for the server to respond (1-2 seconds) 2. Open 192.158.1.X/etc just like a normal browser 3. Have something like a navigation bar to redirect to different pages.

With no app experience will something like this be hard to do? Where can i start?

submitted by /u/MrPink7
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How to do marketting for my app ?

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 12:52 PM PST

Respected reader ,

I'm a young indie game dev , [ age < 17 ]. I've just finished the development of my game for Android devices. It's basically a Zombie Shooter game . Can anyone tell me how can I do its marketting so as to get 10 thousands downloads in 2-3 months ?

I've included "share app" feature . Also the user will get rewards ( e.g.more bullets , strength etc ) on sharing the game .

Please suggest some other strategies.

Thanks in advance !

submitted by /u/BrandtHunt
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Advertisement strategy

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 12:52 AM PST

Hi devs,

Last 6 months I have spend all my free time developing an android app where I have come to the point that I have to think about which advertisement strategy I would like to implement.

About the app: it is a service which allows people to play a game better. It keeps track of certain used skills using voice activated commands, the player can query skill cooldown in real time.

Now: The one thing I couldnt get a clear answer on is if global advertisement networks tie any rules to the use of reward videos. Most of these models in practise offer the player an alternative for obtaining a reward in exchange for their time watching the add. However I was thinking on a more aggresive approach:

Give the user a free gamesession, if you want any more games go watch the ad.

Effectively forcing the user to watch the ads and not nessecairly offer an alternative which could lead in the user feeling strangled and associate the ad with negative emotion and I can understand this violates the therms of agreement of the ad network.

I couldnt find any ruleset on this, anybody has any experience on this matter or any other advise? A typical game lasts for 35 minutes so effectivly that would mean about 2 ads an hour.

Thanks in advance,

submitted by /u/Selwyn420
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Noob question:

Posted: 07 Dec 2016 08:42 AM PST

Hello. Like the title says, I'm very new here. (Like new new) After ½ a yeah java at school I have to do a java-related project. (I know the basics of java and java objectoriented programming) Now I wanted to make a calculator for android. How should I do that? Only by using Android Studio? Or should I use a android sdk plugin in Eclipse?

I'd really appreciate some hints there.


submitted by /u/Ohelert
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