Moronic Monday (Sep 05 2016) - Your weekly questions thread!

Moronic Monday (Sep 05 2016) - Your weekly questions thread!

Moronic Monday (Sep 05 2016) - Your weekly questions thread!

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 04:02 AM PDT

Note 1. Join us at /r/MoronicMondayAndroid, a sub serving as a repository for our retired weekly threads. Just pick any thread and Ctrl-F your way to wisdom!

Note 2. Join our Discord, IRC, and Telegram chat-rooms! Please see our wiki for instructions.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Evan Blass: "Google's Huawei-built 7-inch tablet, with 4GB RAM, on track for release before the end of the year."

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 01:32 PM PDT

Split screen resolved one of my biggest frustrations while driving.

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 05:17 PM PDT

Having full control over my music player (Spotify) while using Maps navigation. I like to always have my GPS directions in view, but often need to switch songs or playlists which isn't easily done through my car's audio system.

I tried using both apps in split screen this weekend on a long trip and it works so beautifully!

Here's a screen:

submitted by /u/veraciousQuest
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The Raspberry Pi 3 got (a working quite well) Android 7.0 w/ Play Store before most Android Phones.

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 05:10 AM PDT

Android 7.0 Nougat review: Something to look to

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 03:53 PM PDT

Introducing Swipe Widget for Facebook: view your notifications and messages right on your home screen. It's customizable, themable, and most importantly - compatible with Facebook, Messenger, Disa, your browser, and all other wrapper apps.

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 10:37 AM PDT

As of today, I am proud to finally introduce Swipe Widget for Facebook - a highly-customizable, theme-able, and beautiful widget that allows you to view your Facebook Notifications and Messages right on your home screen.

Obligatory Link to Play Store

This has been a top-secret project I've been working on ever since I made this post, and I'm glad it's finally out for release!


Themes! - Swipe Widget includes themes just as they are in Swipe for Facebook. The default Facebook Blue, Material Dark, and AMOLED Black are available for free, with other colored themes unlockable with a one-time in-app purchase (which includes two NEW gorgeous themes - Transparent Light and Transparent Dark).

Multiple Layouts - At this stage, there are two separate Widgets for either just Notifications or Messages, as well as a Dual Widget that has both, allowing you to switch between them with tabs.

Highly Integrated - Don't like Swipe for Facebook? That's alright. In Swipe Widget, you can select and dictate where tapping on a Notification or Message takes you! Swipe Widget integrates not only with Swipe for Facebook, but also the official Facebook app, Messenger, Disa, your browser, and other Facebook wrappers you might prefer.

Save Battery - Remove the need to have to open any of your Facebook apps to access your notifications / messages, and save battery in the process! You might even Greenify them all and just check the widget every now and then - still stay up-to-date!

Customizable Refresh rates - Set how often you want Swipe Widget pulls your notifications / messages. From as little as 5 minutes to every 12 hours!

All functionality here is unlocked and does not require any payments, with a one-time donation (via in-app purchase) to unlock all the themes. Quite possibly, the best news is that if you're already a Swipe Pro user, all of this is coming to you for absolutely free! Simply update Swipe Pro to version 4.4! :)

Link to Swipe Widget for Facebook

Link to Swipe for Facebook Pro

Album of screenshots here

Will be here in case there are any questions or feedback. Cheers!

submitted by /u/jcbsera
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Motorola is really stepping up their ad game

Posted: 04 Sep 2016 11:49 PM PDT

Modular phones really never stood a chance

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 06:23 AM PDT

Android lockscreen bypass: Google patches flaw on Nexus 5X phones

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 07:45 AM PDT

Found the LG V20 online for sale already : lgv20 (4000mah battery confirmed)

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 07:02 PM PDT

Geekbench CEO Fireside Chat pt.1: How 64-bit Shook Mobile, Throttling and Scores, How to Design a Benchmark and More!

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 08:46 AM PDT

Join vs Pushbullet — a comparison/review

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 05:18 PM PDT

I've used the free version of Pushbullet for quite some time; however, I despise their monthly subscription fee, so I tried Join to see if it could be an adequate replacement. Here are the pros and cons of each.



  • intuitive UI

  • chat heads

  • shows SMS chat history after clicking on the notification

  • free apps/extensions for every platform

  • can push files from PC via right-cick context menu


  • costly pricing structure

  • monthly SMS limit

  • notifications aren't actionable unless you upgrade



  • W10 notification center integration

  • responding directly from the notification is nice (one less click)

  • can do some other stuff like writing to the clipboard and taking screenshots remotely

  • one-time pricing


  • the W10 notifications in general aren't as elegant as Pushbullet's. They don't show what app it's from, the images are pixellated, can't configure how long they show up, etc.

  • separate purchase for Windows app (FAQ says because it takes work)

  • can't show all notifications by default (FAQ says because it increases server load)

  • Windows app truncates SMS messages

  • no Firefox app yet

  • ugly UI

  • if >1 SMS is received, they are unreadable (notification just shows "2 messages")

  • clicking SMS notifications doesn't show SMS history

  • downloaded files appear in Join\files, not Downloads; can't change location of downloaded files

They both seem equally reliable, and I've had delays sending/receiving texts on both. I'm not sure which is better on battery life.

For now, my main use for Pushbullet — receiving/dismissing notifications and sending/reading SMS messages — is handled more elegantly by Pushbullet than Join. I'll continue to use the free version of Pushbullet, but Join shows a lot of potential and I'm rooting for it.

submitted by /u/Caspid
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Huawei Honor 8 Review: A bargain of a phone - if you can live with it

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 04:06 PM PDT

What is the LG V20’s “Quad DAC” and how does it affect audio quality?

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 07:06 AM PDT

Why isn't there a use for long pressing the back button?

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 06:17 AM PDT

... And the active apps button as well. It seems like it's a bit of a waste. I think one of them would be good for a manual portrait/landscape toggle.

submitted by /u/jestr1845
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Android Auto was supposed to be updated this summer to support running on phones only. Yet this hasn't been mentioned at all since I/O

Posted: 04 Sep 2016 08:37 PM PDT

I use my phone for navigation a lot, and Android Auto running independent of a compatible vehicle would be lovely. I was excited for this announcement, but since then it has been silent. What gives?

submitted by /u/omnimater
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New Sony XZ and X Compact ad - "Capture the Wow of Now"

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 05:10 AM PDT

Huawei Honor 8 unboxing and first impressions by Flossy Carter

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 06:55 AM PDT

Meizu M3 Max goes official with 6-inch display, 4,100mAh battery

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 02:20 AM PDT

Google Duo VS. Apple FaceTime: How's the new FaceTime on Android?

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 08:38 PM PDT

With regards to the Note 7 recall, why can't they just recall based off serial numbers instead of a full recall?

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 12:33 PM PDT

People were able to detect which type of SSDs they got with the SP4 based on the lot numbers, so why can't something similar be done here? Seems like it'd be (cost) beneficial for all involved that they report the known affected phone serials instead of blindly swapping them out.

submitted by /u/DaEliminator
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OxygenOS 3.1.0 OTA update will start soon on OnePlus 2 (x-post from /r/oneplus)

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 04:43 AM PDT

Android 7 factory images for angler?

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 10:59 AM PDT

Does anyone know what's the official story behind "missing" images of Android 7 for Nexus 6P? I downloaded and installed the OTA zip a long time ago but it makes me wonder, why this build remains unpublished.

Are 6P OTA being rolled out by Google or not yet?

My OTA was signed by Google keys and the build number is NRD90M.

submitted by /u/mm404
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