is there any place I can report star-begging like that?

is there any place I can report star-begging like that?

is there any place I can report star-begging like that?

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 12:44 AM PDT

[DEV] Introducing Swipe Widget for Facebook: view your notifications and messages right on your home screen. It's customizable, themable, and most importantly - compatible with Facebook, Messenger, Disa, your browser, and all other wrapper apps.

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 08:36 AM PDT

As of today, I am proud to finally introduce Swipe Widget for Facebook - a highly-customizable, theme-able, and beautiful widget that allows you to view your Facebook Notifications and Messages right on your home screen.

Obligatory Link to Play Store

This has been a top-secret project I've been working on ever since I made this post, and I'm glad it's finally out for release!


Themes! - Swipe Widget includes themes just as they are in Swipe for Facebook. The default Facebook Blue, Material Dark, and AMOLED Black are available for free, with other colored themes unlockable with a one-time in-app purchase (which includes two NEW gorgeous themes - Transparent Light and Transparent Dark).

Multiple Layouts - At this stage, there are two separate Widgets for either just Notifications or Messages, as well as a Dual Widget that has both, allowing you to switch between them with tabs.

Highly Integrated - Don't like Swipe for Facebook? That's alright. In Swipe Widget, you can select and dictate where tapping on a Notification or Message takes you! Swipe Widget integrates not only with Swipe for Facebook, but also the official Facebook app, Messenger, Disa, your browser, and other Facebook wrappers you might prefer.

Save Battery - Remove the need to have to open any of your Facebook apps to access your notifications / messages, and save battery in the process! You might even Greenify them all and just check the widget every now and then - still stay up-to-date!

Customizable Refresh rates - Set how often you want Swipe Widget pulls your notifications / messages. From as little as 5 minutes to every 12 hours!

All functionality here is unlocked and does not require any payments, with a one-time donation (via in-app purchase) to unlock all the themes. Quite possibly, the best news is that if you're already a Swipe Pro user, all of this is coming to you for absolutely free! Simply update Swipe Pro to version 4.4! :)

Link to Swipe Widget for Facebook

Link to Swipe for Facebook Pro

Album of screenshots here

Will be here in case there are any questions or feedback. Cheers!

submitted by /u/jcbsera
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XDA Labs contains an app distribution platform wit a lot of control for both hobbyist and professional devs

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 04:55 AM PDT

What are your favorite lock screen apps?

Posted: 04 Sep 2016 07:27 PM PDT

[DEV] Draw Together: Social drawing Experiment

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 05:21 AM PDT

Hello guys,

I know you guys are all very talented artists and that's the reason I am reaching out to you.

As an indie developer, I have created a social drawing game where people share their creativity and ideas by drawing smaller parts of a bigger drawing board. It's free to play for everyone and hopefully a lot of fun.

The application is still in beta phase but because you are all way better at drawing then myself.. I would like to invite you to try out the application and give it your best shot :).

For now it's Android only:

Any feedback is welcome!

Thank you in advance :)

submitted by /u/DroidBender
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App to remind me that wifi is still turned off?

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 05:48 AM PDT

Hi! Time and time again, I have turned wifi off on my phone for some reason (e.g. if my wifi is being spotty, and I just want this ONE article to load) but because I am absent-minded, I then forget to turn it back on. It is sometimes 2-3 days before I remember, and then I go way over my data, and have to pay extra! I want something where if wifi has been turned off for, say, 30 minutes, a notification will come up reminding me that it's still off.

Alternatively, if it could say in the left side of the notification bar that wifi is off, so that every time I look at the notification bar it tells me.

I know that the wifi/3g stuff shows in the right side of the notification bar, BUT since that stuff is there all the time, I pretty much have a blind spot for it now. I've been trying to always look there to make sure wifi is on, but the habit just isn't catching.

Thanks :)

submitted by /u/raspberryh
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ISO a nav App that shows the fastest route to a destination by using a combination of bicycle and bus routes?

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 06:37 AM PDT

I tried looking for an app that would do something like this, but have had no luck.

I recently began using a bicycle and the local bus/train system to get around. Google Maps is great for finding me bus routes on the fly from where I am.

However I've noticed after doing some research that sometimes if I ride my bike to a bus stop that is, for example, 0.5-1.0 miles away from my starting point, I can pick up a different bus than the one that was suggested to me originally and get to my destination quicker. I did this today and it shaved 15 mins off of the route I would have taken originally via the bus stop close to me.

If you are within a 10 minute walk of a bus stop, Google takes that into account if going to that bus stop would get you to your destination quicker. But based on my experience it only searches using a very limited range, and always assumes that you are walking instead of biking.

So... does anyone know how to tell Google Maps you're riding a bike, while navigating with the bus/train tracker?? Because I think this would fix my issue. If the app knew I could bike instead of walk, I would think this would help me immensely when trying to catch the earliest bus.

Yeah, yeah, I know I should just plan ahead. But I'm new to this city, there are a ton of bus lines, and, well, would just be a lot more convenient. So obviously its a niche thing and I'm not holding my breath thinking this app might exist, but I figured it was worth asking in case this is already a feature in one of the GPS apps and I just missed it. TIA!

submitted by /u/evannnn67
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Looking for a PMS app, for men.

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 10:16 AM PDT

I know that may sound strange, but I would really like to know when my wife is approaching her monthly emotional turbulence. I've tried a few of the apps for women. It's the data entry that's off-putting, I need something simple, and for men.

submitted by /u/fusionblade
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What are some basic profiles for a Tasker newbie?

Posted: 04 Sep 2016 11:17 AM PDT

Wolfram Alpha Android App - Step by Step solutions?

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 09:46 AM PDT

Does anyone know if the Wolfram Alpha android app still provides step by step working or is this feature now locked to the 'pro' account holders who pay a monthly subscription? I'm finding conflicting information online.

submitted by /u/FaintlyMacabreMilo
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[DEV] World Scribe - Fictional World-Building on Android

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 09:29 AM PDT

Hello there, r/androidapps!

I've recently gotten into the mobile development scene as a solo developer. My first app is something I've cooked up over the summer: a wiki-like tool to help writers manage their ever-expanding fictional settings.

The app lets you organize elements of each world into five categories: People, Groups, Places, Items, and Concepts. Each page can link to other pages via Connections, and you're even able to label each Connection with meaningful descriptions in order to make the relationships between world elements nice and clear.

Another big feature is Snippets, which are user-defined text entries that you can attach to any page. You can add as many as you want, and write about anything you'd like, so don't let this tiny app limit your creativity!

I created this app primarily because of the absence of a specialized world-building app on the Android market. iOS has a few, from what I can recall, and while there are similar apps on the Play Store, they focus more on characters or writing drafts scene-by-scene. With World Scribe, I aim to offer a higher-level planning tool for writers to craft their background information in detail before they get down to the nitty-gritty of actual storywriting.

All of that said, you can find the app with a more detailed description here:

Google Play Store page

Admittedly, the app doesn't have a lot of flair to it, but the goal is to provide a quick and responsive interface that doesn't hinder your creativity.

If you have any suggestions for new features, or find a bug, please let me know! Either here or with an email to the address supplied on the store page.

submitted by /u/MarquisDeBlade
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Mobile Passport gets tinted status bar, two new airports, and more.

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 09:10 AM PDT

A list of interesting and open source Android apps

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 08:51 AM PDT

What alarm clock app do you use?

Posted: 04 Sep 2016 06:03 PM PDT

I still use the same one I first installed when I had the HTC desire, Surefire Alarm Clock I bought the plus version about a year ago in order to support the developers. It has maths questions or patterns you can put in to make it more difficult to turn off, add your own alarm all simple but easy features.

What does everyone else use?

submitted by /u/maxevans60
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[DEV] Scientia - Science and Technology News

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 08:41 AM PDT

Hi guys, For the past couple of months, I've been working on a Science news app. It fetches stories from Phys. The main motivation for me creating this app was the awful design that is the official Phys app on the play store. This app is designed according to Material design principles and has many of the most basic features required for a news app. Some of them are

  • Many categories and you can add custom ones too

  • Saving articles for offline reading

Anyway here's the link : Google Play

Oh and the app has banner ads and a IAP to remove them.

Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/random-infinity
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Google Music not categorizing music by genre in the id3 tags, is that normal?

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 08:33 AM PDT

So I just uploaded like 700 songs, various soul hits. Before I uploaded them I edited all of their tags to have the genre set to soul. Figured I'd upload them and be able to go to genre-Soul and easily make a playlist out of that. Now I go to genre and I've got 30 soul songs. Meaning it didn't take. How can I fix this or easily add all of those new songs to a new playlist? Normally I'd just go to recently added playlist and create a new one from that but since there's so many songs, not all of them are in there.

Any suggestions to get around this?

submitted by /u/plamplapla
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What app (or method) is best for streaming a movie to android from Google Drive?

Posted: 04 Sep 2016 06:37 PM PDT

I have 9 seasons of The Simpsons, and all seasons of Archer, and a few longer movies (~1.5GB) on Google Drive.

I'm currently at the hospital (unexpectedly..and no, I don't think I'll die)... TV here is really basic/horrible cable, and I just was trying to find a way to watch the things I had on Google Drive.

The small files (Simpsons, Archer) seem to play alright when I select them, but if I try and select "We're The Miller's" (which is about 1.6GB), it begins to play but immediately starts stuttering...And never behind to play smoothly.

I looked at the settings on the Google Drive player and increased the cache to 100060mg, but that changed nothing.

I then remembered I have streamed a movie from Drive while at home using my laptop. I simply pasted the link into VLC. I already had installed VLC for Android and took the link and pasted it in the "streaming video link" in VLC. However, nothing didn't start working like it was retrieving the file or anything like that. The Wi-Fi here isn't really fast, but I was able to watch any episode of The Simpsons of Archer without hiccup...I would think the Google Drive player could just stream/buffer more in advance do i could watch this without any jitter.

Anyone who has any ideas, please let me know! Thank you in advance...

submitted by /u/pjvex
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Budget/Wallet/Cash Countdown widget?

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 08:18 AM PDT

Hey reddit, I'm looking for a big widget that will show me how much money I have left of my monthly alloted budget. At the beginning of the month, I put in X dollars and as I spend I subtract that from the number showing

My google-fu must be really week today, because I haven't found anything for what should be a simple task. I don't need a fancy thing that integrates with anything else. Just a big displayed number (with decimals, hopefully) that I can subtract (or even add to!) that changes the displayed number. I was even desperate enough to try a Magic: The Gathering health counter, but all the ones I found only went down or up by increments of one, I don't wanna have to hit a button fifty times for a big purchase >_<

Any ideas?

submitted by /u/hojomonkey
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[Request] Edge features APP

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 08:08 AM PDT


I'm looking for an application which gives me the (almost) same features which you have on a Samsung galaxy edge phone.

Now I know there exist a lot of these apps, which would you recommend?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/LeeSwaggers
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Is there a way to disable loading images in all apps?

Posted: 05 Sep 2016 07:44 AM PDT

Any app or VPN that could prevent other apps(such as news apps)from loading images?

submitted by /u/kaiokenx4
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Is there a decent video player that will let me stream across my LAN?

Posted: 04 Sep 2016 05:55 PM PDT

Best quality photo stitching camera app, suitable for Facebook 360?

Posted: 04 Sep 2016 05:55 PM PDT

Guys, what are the really good photo stitching apps, for those of us without a special device like the Gear 360?

All of the ones I've used so far (Google Street View, Panorama 360, some others) do a really poor job of stitching the images together, things like power lines get the wires looking bent or just not matching up, etc.

The best quality I've found is the built-in Samsung Galaxy S6 camera, where instead of taking separate photos you continuously swivel around. However, this only goes horizontal so can't be used to create a 360 sphere, and if the result is too wide for some reason Facebook doesn't recognise it.

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/fjw
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