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Saya ulas sedikit tentang aplikasi download aplikasi cm browser ini bahwa semua orang yang punya smartphone berbasis android pastinya bisa membuat anda mudah untuk mencari informasi yang penting dan cepat jadi , dan juga aplikasi ini cocok untuk kita yang mempunyai bisnis entah itu dagang dan mungkin mempumyai perusahaan yang intinya bisa anda masukki di dunia maya , bahwa sekarang sudah tidak jadul lagi untuk anda medapatkan uang jadi manfaatkan dunia maya yang ada kawan dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini , menarik kan langsung saja download aplikasi ini dengan gratis dan pastinya cara mendownloadnya tidak susah dan akan banyak iklan terima kasih.
☆ Secure: Malicious & Fraud protection!
#1 antivirus engine (rated by AV-TEST)
☆ Speedy: Optimized for web browsing to make surfing a breeze.
☆ Small: Tiny app size ensures your device keeps running smoothly.
CM (Clean Master) Browser is an ultra lightweight mobile browser which can protect you from malicious threats and still give you rapid browsing speed.
► Browsing speed acceleration
• Preload mechanism to speed up browsing
► Fraud prevention
• Warns you when browsing potentially fraudulent or malicious websites.
► Malicious download protection
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► User Agent
• Supports user agent switching to access desktop sites
► Speed dial
► Security & Privacy
• Do-not-track settings
• Option to keep history, cookies, and passwords saved
► Page Translator
► Text search
► Font size adjustment
► Personalized bookmarks
► Gesture control for video playing
► Card tabs for multi-tab control
► Search engine switch
Ad info:
What’s New:
- Adds Pop-ups blocking to filter annoying ads
- More flexibility of management to control the content display on Homepage
- Enhances Homepage animation to make user interface more friendly
- Fixes of download related issues
- Adds local weather information in the Homepage
- Delivers the latest, hot news of the world in the Hompage
- Revision of Speed Dial for more delightful design
- Further reduction of size to 1.69MB, lighter and faster
- Speed acceleration of start-up
- More compatible with flash support
- "Paste & Go" in the address bar brings you to the website in just one click!
- Extends speed dial default icons
- Bug fixes
- Enhance speed dial with more websites to place
- Long press any speed dial icon to move or edit
- Quick return to homepage via “home” button in the current tab
#1 antivirus engine (rated by AV-TEST)
☆ Speedy: Optimized for web browsing to make surfing a breeze.
☆ Small: Tiny app size ensures your device keeps running smoothly.
CM (Clean Master) Browser is an ultra lightweight mobile browser which can protect you from malicious threats and still give you rapid browsing speed.
► Browsing speed acceleration
• Preload mechanism to speed up browsing
► Fraud prevention
• Warns you when browsing potentially fraudulent or malicious websites.
► Malicious download protection
• Scans apk file downloads for malware, keeping your device secure
► User Agent
• Supports user agent switching to access desktop sites
► Speed dial
► Security & Privacy
• Do-not-track settings
• Option to keep history, cookies, and passwords saved
► Page Translator
► Text search
► Font size adjustment
► Personalized bookmarks
► Gesture control for video playing
► Card tabs for multi-tab control
► Search engine switch
Ad info:
What’s New:
- Adds Pop-ups blocking to filter annoying ads
- More flexibility of management to control the content display on Homepage
- Enhances Homepage animation to make user interface more friendly
- Fixes of download related issues
- Adds local weather information in the Homepage
- Delivers the latest, hot news of the world in the Hompage
- Revision of Speed Dial for more delightful design
- Further reduction of size to 1.69MB, lighter and faster
- Speed acceleration of start-up
- More compatible with flash support
- "Paste & Go" in the address bar brings you to the website in just one click!
- Extends speed dial default icons
- Bug fixes
- Enhance speed dial with more websites to place
- Long press any speed dial icon to move or edit
- Quick return to homepage via “home” button in the current tab
Cara Mendownload
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Link Download
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