Giving away 500 promo code for my new paid music player app Play it

Giving away 500 promo code for my new paid music player app Play it

Giving away 500 promo code for my new paid music player app Play it

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 01:59 AM PDT

Hi guys i am giving away 500 promo code for my music player app here is the link to the play store Please comment below and i will give you the key (Promo code).

submitted by /u/chuatiapp
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App Secretly Downloading Files...

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 09:47 AM PDT

[OnePlusX] Android 5.1.1

Just got a pop up saying "App Secretly Downloading Files" and then two buttons: Cancel or Unlock. Didn't think of taking a screenshot. Anyone knows what the hell is that?

submitted by /u/apert
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[DEV] A new way to learn Russian

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 06:56 AM PDT

How to Avoid Downloading Trojans to Your Android Device

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 10:30 AM PDT

(looking for app) Family task manager with reminder notifications

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 09:56 AM PDT

I'm looking for an app where I can put tasks on my phone, and it will add the task to my daughter's phone, but also notify her at a set time with a notification on her phone.

Remember the Milk seemed alright, but it won't let me set a reminder notification on a task I give her. Is there anything that will?

submitted by /u/G3NECIDE
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AIMP (Artem Izmaylov Media Player) is a great free music player that has many great features, including a 10 band equalizer, notification area controls, lock screen integration and supports many file types

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 04:56 AM PDT

New YouTube comment layot in the app! Now you can actually like comments!

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 03:56 AM PDT

Are u (allo)wed to test Allo?

Posted: 28 Aug 2016 03:11 PM PDT

Check here

Although probably nobody will be eligible, it doesn't hurt to try. I'm curious to see if someone is able to join testing. Also, what are your thoughts about when it will be released?

submitted by /u/juli299
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Handwriting Notes on Lock Screen?

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 09:13 AM PDT

Is there a lockscreen or app that allows for taking handwriting notes on the lock screen?

submitted by /u/13enito
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barcode/qr scanner with spreadsheet compatiblity?

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 08:58 AM PDT

First time here, but i need an app than can scan a qr and then implement the info into a spreadsheet.

I work in a pipe yard and have to transcribe all the info by hand, but the pipe all have a qr code with all the info in it.

submitted by /u/Warriorostrich
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I need recomendation for English learning app

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 04:03 AM PDT

Hi guys. I can speak English but not well enough. I want to improve it so I tought it would be easy through an app. Do you know is there an app that can be helpful for me?

submitted by /u/MarieMerck
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(looking for app) Point counter App to compete with friends

Posted: 28 Aug 2016 05:38 PM PDT

So I'm simply looking for an app that me and my friends can keep track of points. Not more then that. Everytime someone does something G they will add points from their phones to their name. Like a multi-player top list that you can add points to. Simple as that. Anyone Know anything close to this?

submitted by /u/AlTaheer
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Bloatware Removal Samsung Non root?

Posted: 28 Aug 2016 05:23 PM PDT

Does anyone know of a safe, application to select remove Samsung Galaxy S5 bloatware? Non root. I don't want to delete Samsung services that may break my device OS.

submitted by /u/Z3ROGRAV1TYx
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[DEV] NetHunt CRM for Android. Manage leads and clients on-the-go.

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 08:43 AM PDT

Hi, everyone! We've just released an Android app for NetHunt CRM - a customizable customer relationship management system for Gmail and Google Apps.

With NetHunt you can manage your business without leaving the Gmail inbox. It allows you to turn emails into the CRM records, manage them in a pipeline, set follow-ups to get back later, send mass email campaigns and collaborate with your team.

The system was previously available as a Chrome extension and an iPhone app. Now the Android users are welcome to try it out.

To use the app you'll first need to download the Chrome extension (as you can't create new accounts from inside the app... not yet), so all the links are below.

Looking for feedback on the app and extension, what features you'd like to see next in both.

Hope you like it :)


Chrome extension:

Google Play:

submitted by /u/NetHuntCRM
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App to change notification sounds

Posted: 28 Aug 2016 11:51 PM PDT

I need an app that let me choose the notification sound for all the other apps, so that I can have different ones also for the apps that do not have this kind of personalization in the app itself. Is there anything like that? Thanks

submitted by /u/frankieta83
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SMS app with dual sim support for 5.0?

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 06:51 AM PDT

I know Google added support in 5.1, and that all the best SMS apps have it now, but unfortunately my manufacturer doesn't update their phones, so I'm stuck using 5.0 until I get a new phone.

The stock SMS app is a mess, and I could use a replacement. Any suggestions?

Thank you for your time.

submitted by /u/73K1LL4
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Any browser apps have tab within a tab?

Posted: 28 Aug 2016 10:05 PM PDT

Like if I'm browsing a website and I open 4 pages on that site why can't it be under one tab like say I have 8 reddit threads open. Is there any app that does this, ideally it would also be an app I can install on Windows and sync.

submitted by /u/wizardomg
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Looking for an app to block phonecalls

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 06:29 AM PDT

I am going on holidays next month, and I want an app that will block calls from anyone from my office. But I believe my manager is sly enough to call me off a private number or another phone to call me.

So I would like to be able to block certain numbers, and any private and unknown numbers.

Are there any apps like this?

submitted by /u/soulphish
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An app to set up text replacement macros?

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 02:13 AM PDT

So I'm looking for an app that allows me to set up macros to replace text in social media apps.

For example, if I type 'email' it can replace that with '' automatically.

I have already tried google keyboard personal dictionary function, and am app called textpansion. None of them seem tl work the way I want them to - unless I might be doing something wrong with it?

submitted by /u/Iamessar
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App for reading Google AMP articles on tablet

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 05:53 AM PDT

Is there any app/ browser I can use to read Google AMP articles on my tablet? Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/Kurt365
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(Looking for app) Alarm with single-button press start of multiple time-delayed alarms

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 02:06 AM PDT

I'm looking for an app, where I could define, that I need to be alerted at (for example): 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, and 18 hours from "start", and when I press the start button all these alarms start to count, all at once.

Is there anything like this available?

submitted by /u/depesz
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App that puts all my apps in categories by itself?

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 05:36 AM PDT

So now that I got Nova Launcher Prime I'm trying to make my phone look cleaner, Heres what i've done so far.
As you can see i'm trying to make each page a seperate category. so i'm looking for an app that will put the remaining apps in categories by itself

submitted by /u/c0mplexx
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Is there a way to incorporate adblock, in android, without rooting?

Posted: 28 Aug 2016 11:12 AM PDT

App to chat to kids on iPads

Posted: 29 Aug 2016 05:22 AM PDT

Chats and Video chat with kids on iOS

I have two kids, both with iPads and they used to iMessageand FaceTime me all the time.

I have switched to Android and I haven't been able to find a way to get the same functionality.

Google Hangouts looks great, but Google doesn't allow under 13's to have an account and I don't want the kids having full YouTube access.

Thanks for any suggestions!

submitted by /u/KillerEyeDoc
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