How to Install CM13.1 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow on Lenovo A6000.

Great news for Lenovo A6000 users.Now there is an unofficial but fully functional Temasek’s CyanogenMod 13 a.k.a CM13 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow ROM available for the device.So if you own aLenovo A6000, then you can flash the CM13 ROM via custom recovery to get latest Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow on your device.

This is the first release of this unofficial CM13 ROM For the Lenovo A6000, so there are few bugs present and we are sure in future update everything will be fixed.But you can use this as your daily driver and You will also get the DOZE Mode resulting in good battery life.

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 ÷ Prerequisites:

• Make sure your device’s bootloader is unlocked.

This tutorial is only for installing Unofficial CM13.1 Marshmallow 6.0.1 on Lenovo A6000 Please do not try on any other Lenovo variants.

•Your phone should have a custom recovery installed in order to installthis Tyrannus ROM on your phone.We will be using TWRP Recovery for this tutorial.This tutorial will wipe out all your data.

•Make sure you backup all your data in your phone before proceeding.


Android Custom ROM fix ® provide various Firmware Updates and Rooting process along with Custom ROM,Modes,file are all belong  to their owners/developers. The autor of this site or the developers are not responsible,  if you damage or brick your device.Do it on your own risk and follow the instruction properly.

* Important:

Backup important files stored on your device before proceeding with the steps below, so that in case something goes wrong you’ll have backup of all your important files.

÷ How to Install CM13.1 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow on Lenovo A6000:

1- Download both Un-Official CM13 For Lenovo A6000 and Gapps Zip file from the download section above

2- Then connect your Lenovo A6000  to Your Pc via provided USB cable

3- Next, Copy both downloaded files to the internal memory of your Lenovo A6000

4- Now reboot your device to Recovery mode.

5-Select “Wipe” from TWRP main menu and do a “Swipe to Factory Reset” on the bottom of screen.

6- Go back to TWRP main menu, tap on “Install” and select the CM13 .zip file that you transferred to your device in Step 1.

7- After selecting the .zip file, do “Swipe to Confirm Flash” on the bottom of screen to begin the custom ROM installation process. This may take some time.

8- Once your ROM is successfully flashed, you’ll see “Wipe cache/dalvik” option, select it and then do “Swipe to wipe” on bottom of screen.

9- Now flash the Marshmallow Gapps file similarly like you flashed the ROM file.

10- After flashing both CM13 and Gapps, Reboot your device.

That’s it! Your Lenovo A6000 should now have unofficial CM13.1 Marshmallow 6.0.1 on your phone! Go to Settings > About phone to verify.

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